Scott Must be on Vacation Too

From the 7/29 Press Briefing:

Q -- 1,241 days after Pearl Harbor, Adolph Hitler was dead. And today, it's 1,417 days after 9/11 -- Osama bin Laden is still alive. We've got a pretty good idea that he's in western Pakistan. Why can't we get this guy? Is it Musharraf? Is it -- who is keeping us from --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, his safe haven in Afghanistan has been taken away. We went in and liberated the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban that was supporting his activities has been removed from power. The remnants of the Taliban and the al Qaeda leaders like Osama bin Laden are on the run. We have worked to bring to justice, in one way or another, some three-quarters of the al Qaeda leadership and management structure. So we are dismantling the al Qaeda network.

But this is an ideological struggle that we are engaged in. It is a long-term struggle. We are continuing to pursue all those who seek to do harm to the civilized world. They will be brought to justice. We are now fighting the war on terrorism on the offensive by taking the fight to the terrorists overseas, so that we don't have to fight them here on our own shores.

OK. So then why are these guys doing what Homeland Security was designed to do?


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