Teen Sex

The WashPost has a special that talks abouts the pros and cons of teen sex (going by the article's title, it's not hard to see where the writer's leaning).

While I don't believe that there's a "universal timetable" for every teen in America, I do think that everyone has their own sexual/social/emotional maturity gauge, and that level must be high enough to deal with the ups and downs of sexual relationships. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to handle this at the same age (late bloomers and all that).

But when everything a teen sees outside their parent's sphere of influence says that sex is supercool and that if you're not doing it you're a freak, that's where things can get conflicting. But unless a parent is willing to talk about their own initial sexual encounter, I doubt many teens will feel conected enough to take their advice (whatever it may be).


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