Tucker Carlson has a new angle for explaining the political shortcomings of the Bush Administration: President Bush is a liberal . Of course, Tucker can't come out and say this himself, so he has a guy from the Ronald Reagan Era do it for him (and we all know how the government shrunk under Reagan's strict presidency, right?): TUCKER CARLSON, HOST, "SITUATION": Bush is a liberal ? I mean, this is going to come as a huge shock to the many obsessive Bush haters who think he's a right-wing maniac. Explain. BRUCE BARTLETT, AUTHOR, " IMPOSTOR ": Well, I think there's a difference between saying somebody is not a conservative and saying they're a liberal. I believe it was Bill Buckley who said George Bush is conservative, but he is not a conservative. He's not one of us, basically . His conservatism is the conservatism of the guy who says, you know, like Archie Bunker, the good old days and why is everything, you know, not working the way it used t...