
Showing posts from June, 2012

Around The Internets

How did Marvel Comics Black Panther and Storm first meet ? Insider information . Man Comics, the western version . Dogs don't have it that easy . Copy & Paste Friedman strikes again . A very interesting theory regarding the Avengers movie .  Telecommuters, beware . Say it ain't so, Seth .

Wizards Take Beal In NBA Draft

He's small for a 2-guard, but he's known for good shooting and rebounding .

Thanks to the SCOTUS...

...a whole bunch of people don't have to worry about getting going broke because they (or a loved one) got sick of injured. Naturally, some opponents aren't taking this decision well ; and some are just going off the deep end . Ironically, they'll all be able to get adequate help for their mental anguish. BONUS : We'll have to wait until the debate for Obama to call Romney on his ACA lies, because the press certainly isn't doing it . Some conservatives are claiming that a condition Justice Roberts has made him soft and sympathetic to people looking for better care. And repeal's not likely to happen . And let's not forget the ACA was based on a 1990's law created by the Congressional GOP/Heritage Foundation and actually implemented by then-Governor Mitt Romney .

Will A Playoff Format Help College Football?

Some sports writers aren't quite convinced yet.

Stop The Vote, Texas Style

The GOP from the Lone Star State apparently don't think the Voting Rights Act is needed anymore .

42% of the House, 43% of the Senate Belong to the Top 1%

About 7% belong to the Bottom 80%... now we're talking wealth distribution here . So that means -financially speaking- that a majority of Congress has more in common with the richest Americans that the Middle or Lower Class. Now you know why things happen the way they do in Congress (*cough-cough* bank bailout *cough-cough*).

Picture This: Who's Being Represented On Cable News


Around The Internets

The benefits of being in a great relationship .  So much for President Obama's "liberal coverage." Another cartoon casualty of the movie machine . Seriously, why can't comic companies understand that you can have multiple versions of comic characters (movie, cartoon, live-action) around? Why does one medium always have to emulate another one?  Michelle Obama's roots .  "Fair and Balanced" TO THE MAX . R.I.P., Erica Kennedy .  A theory about the Flintstones that may blow your mind.  This sick sack of crap needs to be buried under the prison .

Picture This: GOP Boxing Stratgem


Still Swimming Down Denial

The majority GOP voters still believe that Iraq had WMDs, and that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen. In other words: they are only going to believe what Fox News and Rush Limbaugh tell them.

Higher Ed Wasn't A Big Concern For Gov. Romney

Sincere-yet-hollow offers and feuds with the University president is pretty much his legacy in Massachusetts .

Riddle Me This

If Attorney General Eric Holder is busy defending himself in an investigation, will he have the time to make sure that other duties -like, say, the voter purging/registration laws being implemented and debated in various states- are given their due diligence? UPDATE : And Pelosi makes the connection clear .

It's Not a Good Idea For Companies To Run Anything That Involve Supervising Criminals

Why? Because a company usually thinks about the bottom line: profit. And what's profitable isn't always what's best for the inmate. The New York Times reveals the downside to this social experiment in a recent story , which details: Rampant Drug Selling & Use : “Bo is like the projects,” said Matthew Leibe, who was an inmate there last year. “I’m walking down the hallway from mess and I’m getting approached by everybody selling everything. ‘I’ve got batteries, T-shirts, weed, heroin, coke.’ ”  Questionable Hiring Practices :  Dana Vetrano, a former counselor at Bo Robinson, said the staff had many former prison inmates. She herself was one, having served time for robbery. “They were from the streets,” Ms. Vetrano said. “They needed a job, they came in from the street, they were hired — that was it. They had no qualifications. Nothing.  Poor Staffing : “An older resident comes in my office; he wants to see me,” Mr. Watkins reca...

"N-Word" Watch: Testing the Radio Waves

A radio host who happens to have a ethnic-sounding last name claims that she should be able to call President Obama a "monkey" without reprisal . We're getting closer.

George Zimmerman's Masterful Code Broken

It's like trying to figure out the Riddler... if he had the IQ of a rubber band .

This Is How You Fight Back Against The Tea Party


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Megan's married . The Greeks get bailed out . Looking into Rodney King's death . "Madagascar" is still roaring . Two down, two to go .

Around The Internets

  (Via pic) The reason rich people want the unions to die . Thor 2 will have a new Fandral .  "Taking the Lord's name in vain" leads to unexpected consequences . About " best players ..." Bernie Sanders talks teeth .  Don't ignore the Right . The Long Game .

Choose Your Own (Rape) Adventure?

What The Hell, Tomb Raider ?

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Looks like dingoes did eat her baby . First Spain, now Italy . The Miami Dolphins get suckered . Sandusky's going down . A sad turn of events for GMA's Robin Roberts. Congratulations to the L.A. Kings . The situation in Syria is getting worse . Not exactly a picture the Olympics want to be associated with .

When You Read Any Story Quoting Jeb Bush, Remember This:

"He wants to run for President in 2016, and he can't do that if Mitt Romney wins in 2012."

Howard The Duck Fights Zombie Nazis

Sure; why not ?

Around The Internets

  The longer he's in office, the more songs he can unofficially help us create . Just when you think you've seen it all . Who's to blame for congressional gridlock ? If you're in a relationship, look for these signs . Don't talk about voter fraud if you can't give examples . Just Stop . Jada Pinkett Smith drops some gems. Paris Jackson seems to be a normal kid.

Apparently James Marsden's Agent Hates Him

Why else would he be typecast so ?

Quote of the Day

" So what? The Celtics have been getting by without Lens for nearly 30 years. " -- "Steve U;" it makes sense in context ...well, almost .

Oh, So *Now* The Rich Should Practice "Income Redistribution?"

I guess it has nothing to do with the fact that the person in question is African-American, and his father is a hip-hop celebrity and Obama-supporter .

No Main Topic

Personally, I think the change makes her look more average . Luck (and, quite frankly, experience) of the Irish . Scott Walker (and Big Money) wins the recall , but faces a slightly new legislative body . This should be interesting .

Obama Not Moving Into Wisconsin To Help Is A Political Move

Why? If Scott Walker wins, the Republicans will have to stretch to make a connection between the Wisconsin Recall and the 2012 Presidential Election. As it is, many of them are trying to make the case that what happens tonight is not an indicator of what will happen in November. Obama getting more involved makes this Obama vs. Walker, and transitioning from "Scott Walker" to "Mitt Romney" (who's already given Walker props) would not be hard for the Conservative Radio/Blogs/TV crowd. Obama's presence would become a counter-argument to the fact that Walker is getting a lot of outside financial help .Republicans would argue that Obama represents "outside help," but from a political point-of-view. The more the election is centered around the people of Wisconsin, the better it is politically for the country in the long-run. Remember: "all politics is local ."

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Via Talking Points Memo  If we're going by the comments, the answer seems to be "no." If he loses the election, Mitt Romney will not be hurting . A drive-by cyclist ?  Bill Clinton still knows how to get a crowd going. Nintendo update . A nun writes a non-approved book on sexuality, Pope gets upset .

Around The Internets

From 29 to 31 . " If you have to sabotage the economy to win, your ideas suck ."

Paul Krugman Is The Alice In An Economic Wonderland

Meaning, just about everyone he deals with who claims they're an expert on the economy is crazier than a sack of ferrets .

Picture This: Mind The Gender Gap

  ( pic via )

Scott Walker Got His Start Due To a Recall Election

Of course , he doesn't want too many people to know that.