
Showing posts from October, 2013

Comics Aren't As Valuable As They Once Were

A collection of 3,000 comics ended up being worth $500.00 . Digital comics and the advent of comic-book movies are more than likely the main culprits. Not to mention that nowadays, more copies are printed so more people have access to #1's or classic stories/crossovers.

Quote of the Day

"We’re in the post-antibiotic era. ‘There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an infection, something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t." -- Dr Arjun Srinivasan, who says that we are at the end of the Antibiotic Era .

Around The Internets: ULTRA EDITION

Here's a big one to make up for being away so long: A U.S. military newspaper cut Beetle Bailey . Some songs just aren't for kids . Two different Republicans who grew to appreciate Obamacare. Science can be used to answer a lot of things . An infant gives birth to his own twin . Five famous people who couldn't handle criticism . A mother poisons her child after losing custody. Are you washing your hands the right way after using the bathroom? If so, you're one of 5% . It's not even safe to make comments on Facebook anymore. Zack Morris is a sociopath . Guess who sold Lance Armstrong out . Pastor murders ex-business partners, attends their funeral . Keep these things in mind when going for that promotion .

An Ant Has No Quarrel With a Boot

I'll just say this about the current political brew-ha-ha: neither President Obama, nor the Democrats in the Senate or House of Representatives, nor the 10 Republicans who are either sane or unafraid of the Tea Party, should negotiate withe the House Republicans. They are not negotiating from a position of reality; they think the Affordable Care Act is illegal , they act like Democrats were never trying to be inviting and negotiable , and they believe that Obama personally sent police to prevent WWII veterans from visiting a memorial . Even dyed-in-the-wool Republicans warm up to the Act once they, you know, read up on it . And as Obama pointed out yesterday, shutting down the government has zero effect on financing "Obamacare." Whatever proposal the President or the Democrats submit will be dismissed as "too liberal" or "unrealistic" anyway. And let's not forget that the House has been gerrymandered to the point where the laws of political ph...