
Showing posts from March, 2015

Birthergate Part 2: Cruzing for a Brusin'

Donald Trump is the first to fire a salvo at Ted Cruz.

Killing Reality

" Killing Jesus " is set to broadcast on the History Channel in a few days. It's based off a book co-written by Bill O'Reilly. Yes, that Bill O'Reilly . Suffice it to say, there's some skepticism being cast on the program. Not really surprising, considering that some early reviews were not positive. And I don't mean because of the co-author's political philosophy; I mean because of things like lack of fact-checking and being historically inaccurate .

Around the Internets

Future Batman Villain Alert . John Oliver weighs in on the Ferguson Report. Rude Pundit: Looks like the Republicans in Congress want war with Iran ...good thing I ran isn't exactly falling for it . Behold: " Moff's Law !"

The Media Scrutiny for Bill O'Reilly Is Different Than Brian Williams Because No Real Journalist Takes Bill Seriously

At least, that's the message I'm picking up from this story on Bill Maher's reaction to the way the media has treated the two. If this is true, are we saying that because so many people think Fox News commentator are either (1) liars, (2) lousy journalists or (3) both we should just let what they say go? That we should just accept that a certain population actually believes the lies, and not bother to enlighten them? That the other news organizations will have to not only endure more scrutiny, but endure it under the false label of being "liberal?" Because if the answers to all of these questions is, "yes," while the people who have common sense and use critical thinking will eventually move on to more pertinent matters, dropping this will just reinforce conservatives who believe in Fox News. Sad thing is, it's not about them being conservative, it's about them having journalistic standards.

Around The Internets

Jon Stewart shows us 50 Fox Lies in 6 seconds . Rude Pundit: Wherein the guy from Duck Dynasty has become the conservative standard-bearer .  Add "college-educated" to the list of things conservatives are against .

How A Person or Group Can Be Demonized

“When you describe another group of people as ‘Godless,’ you can do anything to them.” -- Berkeley criminologist Barry Krisberg To go further, all one has to do in this country is claim someone doesn't "hold our values," or is basically "unchristian."  Once that description is established, any insult or claim is valid. Something to consider whenever you hear someone on the cable shows support to a police officer shooting an unarmed teenager (who's usually a minority), or condemns a country of Arabic descent, or claims that a rape victim was "asking for it."