Former Secretary of State John Kerry Needs to Have a Word With 2004 Presidential Candidate John Kerry
John Kerry on his and Joe Biden's interpretation of the Iraq War : “I think Bernie is regrettably distorting Joe’s record,” Kerry, a Biden campaign surrogate, said Sunday on CBS “Face the Nation.” He added that Sanders “doesn’t have what Joe Biden has,” in terms of eight years on the national security council. Kerry continued that he knows “very well what Joe’s position” since he answered the same questions in 2003 and 2004, when he was running for president. “ It was very clear that what we were doing was listening to a president that made a pledge, that he was going to do diplomacy, he was going to exhaust diplomacy build a coalition , and ultimately we learned, as Joe did and I did, that the intelligence was distorted,” Kerry said. “So Joe spoke out and criticized, Joe was against what they were doing,” he added. Kerry added that the vote “ was not a vote especially to go to war it was a vote for the president to have ...