
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ana Navarro May Be Scrubbing Her Social Media Soon

 Jimmy Dore explains why.

Quibi Is Quitting

  Only took them six months to come to the conclusion that not too many people will pay for a streaming service offering 7-minute videos, pandemic or no pandemic. Don't worry about founder Meg Whitman though, Joe Biden is hiring !

Joe Biden Has No Plans to Work With the Left.

  Read it and weep : Joe Biden’s transition team is vetting a handful of Republicans for potential Cabinet positions — despite doubts it will win him new support from the right and the risk it will enrage the left. Reaching across the aisle to pick senior   members of his administration could shore up Biden's credentials as a unity candidate, a message he's made a cornerstone of his campaign. Past presidents including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have all done the same. But that tradition died with President Donald Trump, and liberal Democrats are already warning that a Republican pick, even a moderate one, could sow distrust within the party before Biden even takes office. [snip] “This plays to Joe Biden’s comfort zone,” said one former Republican member of Congress who is close to the Biden transition. “If you’re Joe Biden, of course you’re going to want to expand your base a little bit, show some outreach to the other side.” [snip]  “I don’t understand...

President Trump Does Not Have a Health Care Plan

  Never has, never will . 

Walter Reed Doctors Cover Their Butts, Give Tepid Medical Updates, and Praise Each Other.

This has become completely political. Trump wanted to leave, and the doctors capitulated. If the president is just as safe at the White House, why did he have to leave in the first place?  Secular Talk has their own take on Trump's health and what the early leave may mean:

COVID-19 Chaos in America

  The only thing that has been clear since it was reported that President Trump tested positive for COVID-19 is that nothing is clear.  The list of infected keeps growing . Whether due to boredom or some family-related psychological quirk , Trump wants to leave Walter Reed Hospital . And this is after Trump did a public-relations-motivated drive around the hospital, throwing doctors and secret service members alike for a tizzy.  "Not enough crazy!" you say? How about the fact that the Trump family went maskless during last Tuesday's presidential debate? Or that while this is going on, Gov. Cuomo won't close business in nine New York COVID hotspots ?  Considering that neither of the two major parties have taken COVID seriously (more focused on Wall Street and Supreme Court nominations; the tepid stimulus check with no follow-up, having no national response, leaving the trouble-shooting up to the states without giving them adequate funding to implement any of their...

COVID-19 Has Hit The White House, and (as usual) Trump's Supporters Suffer More Than He Does

  So... multiple news outlets are reporting that President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19. Speculation about how it happened, what the next steps should be, or even how credible it is aside...the victims of Trump continue to ironically be those close to him (political or otherwise).  While Trump reportedly experiencing "coldlike symptoms" and the First Lady is apparently asymptomatic, White House communications guru Hope Hicks hasn't been so lucky : Two sources said she has had a high fever and a cough, with one source adding she lost her sense of smell. Hicks is said to be frustrated with Trump for taking such a cavalier approach to the virus. She was one of the few West Wing staffers to wear a mask in meetings, which her colleagues chided her for. “She was made fun of because she wore a mask,” a friend said. Sources told me Hicks is also upset that news coverage has made it appear that she gave Trump the virus, when in fact no one knows where he got it. “It’...