
Showing posts from January, 2021

How Do We Punish The Powerful?

 People are looking for answers to everything that's occurred since the beginning of last week, from the Capital Building protests-turned-riots, to Big Tech banning Trump from social media to his impending second impeachment. Even issues that were relatively mundane in comparison, like, "Is forcing AOC and the Squad to force Nancy Pelosi to vote on Medicare For All a good thing?" and, "Should our electoral process be reviewed?" have gone unanswered.  We go say that the proverbial core issue is First Amendment rights or Net Neutrality or even Election Integrity, and all of these are extremely important and should be addressed in the incoming president's first 100 days (if they aren't they probably won't be for Biden's entire term). And we should not forget about COVID-19 or the issue with stimulus checks. But these are all arguments that clouds a question that Americans continue to skate around. "How do we powerful people accountable?"  ...

It Took #ForceTheVote to Reveal the Real American Left

 #ForceTheVote may not have gotten a vote on Medicare For All in the House, or even manage to put the fear of God in Nancy Pelosi , but it did accomplish one important thing: it exposed who on the Left is really for left-leaning policies, and who's just giving lip service for money, fame, influence and access.  Way back in November of 2019 , I commented on how letting TYT slide on things other media outlets were doing was putting the Left into a bind. I pointed out the "TYT/Cenk Uygur Problem" again when Uygur was getting attacked during his congressional run , when Uygur said that he was "rooting" for Neera Tanden, and when TYT started their anti-#ForceTheVote campaign .  To be honest, I was worried that Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kulinski would throw themselves on the proverbial grenade to defend their old friend/colleague. Well, (at least in Dore's case) the entire push for a floor vote in Medicare For All has answered that question: no way . Let's be clea...

When You've Lived For Over 70 Years Without Hearing "No," Finally Hearing It Is a Hard Pill To Swallow

 Case in Point: the outgoing POTUS' offbeat conversation with Georgia's Secretary of State . Examples of Interesting Excerpts: Brad Raffensperger:  Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, people can say anything. President Trump:  No, this isn't social media. This is Trump media. It's not social media. It's really not. It's not social media. I don't care about social media. I couldn't care less. Social media is Big Tech. Big Tech is on your side. I don't even know why you have a side, because you should want to have an accurate election. And you're a Republican. [snip] Brad Raffensperger:  Mr. President, you have people that submit information and we have our people that submit information, and then it comes before the court, and the court then has to make a determination. We have to stand by our numbers. We believe our numbers are right. President Trump:  Why do you say that, though? I don't know. I mean, sure, we can play thi...