
Showing posts from August, 2024

Adam Conover: How Streaming Destroyed TV


Lee Camp Breaks Down Peter Thiel's Awkward Joe Rogan Interview


Richard Medhurst: IDF Using Human Shields

 Finally catching on to the traps laid by those resisting the occupation, the IDF unveils a vile tactic:

Greg Stoker Talks To Antony Lowenstein About Gaza.


Military Intel Officer Talks About US Decline By Way of Foreign Policy


At United Nations Security Council Briefing About Gaza, Russia Addresses the Role America Has Played


How Did Companies Like Walmart and Amazon Take Over?


Maduro Vs Macron: How America Views "Contested Elections"

So over the last few months there's been elections in two countries under different situations that ended up with similar results: Venezuela and France . For France, the end result was an increase of political influence by it's leftist contingency (thanks in no small part to the coalition building performed by previously fractured left parties). For Venezuela, it meant that incumbent president Nicolas Maduro won a third term (of course, this depends on whether you believe sources like the Carter Center over the Washington Post).    Currently both elections are being contested, in a fashion. Most of the opposition to Venezuela (and Maduro) is coming from the US (both politicians and the press ). For France, the pushback seems to be from the centrists, lead by none other than President Emmanuel Macron himself .  Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein certainly noticed the difference in the West's reaction to the two elections: In short: All's fair in defeating l

Bernie Rages Against "The Billionaire Class" During the DNC...Only to Be Followed Up By a Billionaire.

  And remember: all this "diversity" yet not one Palestinian took the stage. 

TYT Scrambles To Find a Way to Support Kamala Harris After Committing Their Vote To Her.


At Least One Squad Member Isn't Letting the DNC Ignore Palestine


Rachel Blevins: More Clampdowns and Attacks Toward Independent and Social Media.


The Grayzone Exposes "Anti-War," "Pro-Ceasefire" and "Sympathetic to Palestine" Democrats and Journalists


The Democratic Party Is a Big Tent, Unless You're Palestinian

 As seen in these videos, pretty much every group/demographic (including even Republicans, who are supposed to be the Democrat's enemy) got to speak:

Because We All Need To Laugh: Some Dad Jokes


Second Thought Tackles Colleges


"The Democratic Party Exists To Make Sure Good People Do Nothing"


How Has Marriage Changed, and Why?

 Dr. Harriet Fraad discusses the topic:

TRT World Interviews Lowkey About Britain's Woes.

 As stated before, Lowkey is informed:

Ridiculously Corrupt US Senator Bob Menedez Resigns (Mainly Because of the Corruption)


For the 2024 DNC Barack Obama Delivers Another Idealistic-Yet-Reality-Challenged Speech

 By all accounts, it's one of his best. If you are a die-hard Democrat, you should be proud. We know the GOP hates Obama, so their take is a given. As far as everyone else (non-Democrats and non-Republicans), Obama's speech is more of the same. Let's look it over : Chicago—it’s good to be home. It is good to be home. And I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling fired up. I am feeling ready to go even if I am the only person stupid enough to speak after Michelle Obama.  I am feeling hopeful because this convention has always been pretty good to kids with funny names who believe in a country where anything is possible; because we have a chance to elect someone who has spent her entire life trying to give people the same chances America gave her, someone who sees you and hears you and will get up every single day and fight for you, the next President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris.  This is actually a good opening. He acknowledges his wife's popularity and l

Al Jazeera: Why Chicago’s Little Palestine Isn’t Voting For Kamala


Due Dissidence Interviews Jill Stein


Al Jazeera: In Norway, Pro-Europeans Try to Grab Palestine Flag Away From Protestors

  Wonder if they did this for those with Ukraine flags...

On Strike! Interviews Protesters Outside the DNC Convention


Due Dissidence Interviews a Ceasefire Activist


Richard Medhurst on His Recent Arrest


Sabby Sabbs Does a Deeper Dive Into Kamala Harris' Homebuying Plan

Following up to a previous post ; Sabby takes a more detailed look into the true impact of the homebuying proposal from  Harris' economic plan (hint: it's omits certain classes and is not enough):

Rachel Blevins and Andrei Martyanov Discuss Kiev’s Crazy Kursk Combat Logic


Garland Nixon on the Binary Thinking of Democrats & Republicans.


Secular Talk Confuses "Based" With "Basic" When Discussing Kamala Harris' "Economic Plan"

 Such a wonderful plan that it's not (as of this posting) on her campaign website, huh? But let's just address the "high points" on the screenshot: $25,0000 Subsidy for First-Time Homebuyers . There are currently around 15.1 million vacant homes in the US , so it's not because of a lack of available housing. Also the median sale prices for new homes is $417,300 (for those in the US, check on what it is in your state ). So even if this tepid offer allowed all 1 million people to get a house, there's still over 14 million empty homes. And this doesn't begin to address the people who lost their homes when the housing market collapsed in 2008 . This plan only sounds good if you haven't been following politics since 2004.  $6,000 Child Tax Credits . The average cost of having a child in the United States is $18,865 . Good luck finding the remaining $12,865 when the median income is around $48k . Again: it helps, but not enough.  Elimination of Medical Debt

Mainstream Media Gives Updates to Nord Stream For Those Who Were Only Following the Mainstream Media.

Seriously, even seeing stories posted here would give people a better idea what was going on. Anyway:  

RIP Phil Donahue

Truly a pioneer (first talk show host to openly support women's causes as well as the first celebrity of note to oppose the Iraq War), the blueprint for talk shows (at least until Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey) was 88 .

Lee Camp Breaks Down Israel's Economic Woes

 The only silver lining is that policies tend to change once the wallet suffers a big hit:

George Galloway and Garland Nixon Talk About American Current Electoral Politics


Sabby Sabbs: Beware the "Fake Left"

Much like Due Dissidence , Sabby note those who claim that they are on the American left turn on a dime to support the Democrats now that Kamala Harris has replaced Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket.  Once again, they jump on adjacent bandwagons for clicks and subscribers, but "come back" home in time for the election.   Sabby also make a good point that these channels tend to be dependent on political candidates (you only have to watch any of their videos not focused on a presidential candidate or political party to confirm this). Remember: anytime these Young Turks claim Breaking Points with the Democrat Party it's really all Secular Talk.

Flashback: President Kennedy's 6/10/63 "Peace Speech"


What Role Did The "Stern Gang" Have In Israeli's History

 Al Jazeera documents:

Rachel Blevins and Richard Wolff Discuss Inequality In America


Is Iran Going to Retaliate?

 George Galloway and Seyed Marandi discuss:

Online Progressives and Liberals Drop Their Anti-Biden Rhetoric and Line Up Behind Harris

 The Young Turks, (at least half of) Breaking Points, Majority Report, the Vanguard and Secular Talk like to tease their followers with the idea that if the Democrats don't act right and support left-leaning policies, it's fine to jump ship to non-traditional Democrats or (maybe) even independents.  But unlike their more blog-friendly counterparts on Daily Kos or Democratic Underground (who has been pro-Democrat and show no shame for it), the YouTube variety needs to play this game for views and clicks...and once Joe Biden was dumped for Kamala Harris, any talk of abandoning the Democratic Party or supporting Marianne Williamson (or Jill Stein) makes away for the inevitable sheepherding:

Due Dissidence On Columbia President's Resignation


Two Rich Guys Involved In Politics Laugh About Coldly Firing Workers

If you work for a living, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are not your friends:

One Immigrant's Response to "Go Back To Your Home"


How Many Times Has The Us Tried To Coup Venezuela?

 Quite a few:

George Galloway and Richard Medhurst Talk About Ukraine (and Germany and Russia).


US State Department Speak on Sexual Abuse of a Palestinian at Sde Teiman Detention Center


During Harris Fundraiser, Secret Service Agent Breaks Into Salon to Use Bathroom, Leaves Building Unlocked.

Huh . The owner of the Four One Three Salon, Alicia Powers, told Business Insider that she closed her Pittsfield, Massachusetts, business that day at the request of the Secret Service, which examined the area earlier in the week. The salon is located behind the Colonial Theatre, a performing arts space in the Berkshires, where Harris spoke. "They had a bunch of people in and out of here doing a couple of bomb sweeps again — totally understand what they have to do, due to the nature of the situation," Powers told Business Insider. "And at that point, my team felt like it was a little bit chaotic, and we just made the decision to close for Saturday." A Secret Service spokesperson told Business Insider that the agency's employees "would not enter" without the permission of the business owner, but acknowledged an agent taped over the security camera lens. At 8:10 that Saturday morning, a Secret Service agent — wearing a dark suit and open-collared white sh

George Galloway: Germany v Russia, Who's Really Running the United States, Harris Code-Switching Campaign and More.


Prof Wolff & Dr. Fraad: Capitalism vs Marriage


"Who Is Kamala Harris?" Here Are Some Responses to That Question.

 Lee Camp: African Stream: Hard Lens Media:

Jill Stein/Green Party Has Enough Ballot Access To Win Electoral College.

 Don't let anyone tell you that Jill Stein cannot win because of lack of ballot access; she has it : You can use this interactive map to confirm the numbers. Between "Greens on Ballot," "Jill on Ballot," and "Write-In Campaign," Stein can cross the 270 threshold. The question is whether enough people who support the policies she is exposing will voter for her versus either of the two major parties. 

Jimmy Dore: Whitney Webb Explains Why Most Popular Platforms Are Compromised


Glenn Greenwald: Kamala Wins the Dem Nomination Without Expressing Views or Campaigning


Rapper & Activist Lowkey Brings A LOT of Information To Explain What's Going On in Great Britain.


Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel Won't Confirm If Iran Has a Right To Defend Itself


Anti-War Vet On Question: "Will Americans Fight In a War In the Middle East?"


If You Interrupt Kamala Harris, She Assumes That You Are a Trump Voter

 Even if they are actually protesting the genocide that her current boss (president Biden) is allowing by selling weapons to the perpetrators:

Richard Medhurst on The Riots In Great Britain


Sadly, The Olympics Is Not Immune to Politics or Racism.


Katie Halper, Marc Lamont Hill & Briahna Joy Gray Talk About Debating Zionists.


The Duran Breaks Down What's Been Going On In Great Britain.


BreakThrough News Talks to Sean Blackmon About Sonya Massey’s Murder.


What's Will Iran Do (and Will Russia Help)?

 Rachel Blevins and Mark Sleboda discuss:

Why is The Congo Being Ignored?


Riots In Great Britain As Told Through Headlines

 Guess Harry and Meghan weren't just blowing smoke about the racial climate in England, huh?

Sabrina Salvati and Lee Camp Talk About Kamala Harris and the 2024 Elections


BreakThrough News: Here Are Three Things You Need to Know About Israel’s Assassination of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh


No Main Topic

(I know, right? It's been a long time since I posted one of these but I actually found a bunch of interesting news stories) AP: Hurricane Debby smacks Florida . CNN: Preparations are being made to "Trump-proof" the Executive Branch .  Reuters: Protests push the Bangladesh Prime Minister resign and flee the country, leaving the military to form an interim government . AP: Vietnamese billionaire tycoon gets 21 years for defrauding company stockholders .  CNN: A Stanford grad and US Army officer is the new Miss USA .  NBC: Back-to-School sales for 2024 that are worth looking into .  Reuters: As anti-immigrant riots heat up, the new British Prime Minister holds an emergency meeting . 

Al Jazeera: A Palestinian Christian Explains The Israeli Occupation.


Watch & Learn: Why Democrats Never Get Anything (the People Want) Done


African Stream: Five Worst US Presidents For Africa


Was Kamala Harris Really a "Border Czar?"

 It's crazy the lengths the media are going through to re-write recent history:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Lied About WMDs For Years

Juan Cole has a good article on this topic , but there's also this video:

China Making Geopolitical Power Moves With Palestinians


Reminding People That Kamala Is the VP of the Biden Administration.


Tyler Perry's Attitude Is Problematic.

 Via Sabby Sabbs: