Behind Closed Doors

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid pulled out a rare rule today (called Rule 21) to send the Senate into a closed session. The Purpose: talk about the methods and investigation that led America to war with Iraq. The Problem? Before this, the Senate was working on the budget. And traditionally, the Senate Leaders talk about doing these sort of things beforehand (it's a courtesy, not a rule).

So expect some Republican Senators to say things like Reid doesn't care about America or he wants to have big government. Of course this is silly; any one with working knowledge of Parli Pro or even Robert's Rules know that half the battle in politics is being able to use rules (especially obscure ones) in your favor.

Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. And for so-called policymakers, it's border-line comical that anyone would complain to this degree. I mean, your party has majority control for goodness sakes.

For a raw text of Reid's speech, try this out. Or even better, here.


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