Bending Steele

Now here's a gem from the "Michael Steele is a hypocrite" file:

Steele’s campaign is passing out bumper stickers with “Steele” printed in capital letters on the top line and “Democrat” underneath it.

Is there a chance some Democratic voters might mistakenly conclude that Steele is a Democrat?

Steele reacted testily to that question: “Remember the term ‘Reagan Democrat’? So where’s the confusion here? Why are people making such a big deal about something that has been part of the political lexicon for over 20 years?”

WTF? The question was not about whether Democrats support Steele, it's about whether or not Steele is (by his actions or inactions) encouraging the myth that Steele (a Republican) has Democratic leanings, maybe moreso than the actual Democratic candidate, Ben Cardin.

And I'm sorry, but it's not been "part of the political lexicon" to lie about your party affiliation so you can get some votes. The press really needs to call Steele out on this one.


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