Grand Old Pie-throwing

WashPost breaks down who won the GOP debate last night. I agree on two assessments:

  1. Every time Republicans pick one Democratic candidate to attack (in this case, Sen. Hillary Clinton) it puts that candidate at the top of the list. It essentially tells the audience, "don't worry about those other guys. This is the person to look for after the primaries." The GOP wants Clinton to be the Democratic Party nominee so bad they can taste it; but will this strategy work?
  2. If the Republicans were piling on Clinton, then they were all but abandoning President Bush. At least in the debate, that is. They've pretty much said Bush-like things during the debate (particularly on "the War," gay people, and religion) but the new tactic is to paint Bush as...a liberal. Not sure how they can sell that, considering his entire administration is/was made of of neo-conservatives (unless the goal is to paint neo-conservatism as being an abstract form of liberalism).

Of course this proves that it's infinitely easier to talk about who you're not than to talk about who you are.


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