Abandon Ship!

One reason why President Bush's visit to Congressional Republicans for support on his immigration bill didn't go so well:

WASHINGTON - As President Bush attempts to revive the controversial immigration reform bill he supports, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that Republicans are abandoning the president, which has dropped his job-approval rating below 30 percent -- his lowest mark ever in the survey.

But he isn’t the only one whose support is on the decline in the poll. Congress’ approval rating has plummeted eight points, bringing it below even Bush’s. And just one in five believe the country is on the right track, which is the lowest number on this question in nearly 15 years.

That's 29% (the pic is about a year & a half old, and that's another story in itself). That means that more than 2/3rds of the country either don't like this guy, or wouldn't complain if he was replaced with a lamppost until the next election. I think it's safe to say we are in Lame Duck Territory.


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