Sen. Hagel "MovesOn"

I wonder if people like the FoxNews crowd will go after Republican Chuck Hagel for questioning the Petraeus/Crocker report like they've gone after MoveOn for their ad in the New York Times.

MoveOn postulated that Petraeus' actions would come off as a betrayal of trust, claimed that he's reporting information that's at best inconsistent and implied that his title as a general would shield him from the usual public and journalistic criticism. In truth, if it wasn't for the last sentence in that ad, the "outrage" over the ad would be laughable.

What did Chuck Hagel say about making Patraeus do the work of politicians?

It’s not only a dirty trick, but it’s dishonest, it’s hypocritical, it’s dangerous and irresponsible.

Sounds like he was saying the same thing, but with a different delivery. Will the people who thought MoveOn was going too far also criticize Hagel? I won't hold my breath.

I will say that MoveOn's biggest mistake was in using numbers and not invoking memories, which is more emotional and more effective. Just think about what the impact would be if instead the ad said "We're experiencing another 'Colin Powell before the UN' moment." Everyone remembers how powerful and serious Powell was, but sadly his presentation came from information that was either fabricated or exaggerated. Invoking that memory would have had a stronger impact, and it would have been something hard for the pro-war pundits to argue (with Powell also being a very credible military figure at the time).


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