No Main Topic

  1. "Ignorance is not an excuse to an individual's age."
  2. "So what if I touched her?"
  3. "They're invading their old territories in a remarkable way in Canada. I found huge dams throughout Canada, and beaver colonies with up to 100 of them in a square kilometer."
  4. “Today’s cars are more and more complex and the technology is growing more sophisticated. We must make sure the safety and oversight of these vehicles advances, too.”
  5. “Citizenship is a cherished right and we can’t have Congress deciding at the spur of the moment to strip citizenship. Any United States citizen can be prosecuted to the limits of the law. They could be prosecuted for treason, up to the death penalty. . . . What more could you want than that?’’
  6. "You can be less than mediocre and be a movie star."


"Brown wants citizenship revoked for terror ties"

And when some domestic terrorist attacks? Who's gonna be tied then? How much difference is there between listening to a muslim cleric advocating violence, and listening to Glenn Beck do the same?

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