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  1. "We want peace but they want war. Come and get in. We will fight with our bare hands. We will stay."
  2. “I think increasingly you will see a sprinkling of these kinds of churches all over most metro areas. I don’t think it’s going to be the dominant model, but . . . alongside the standard white-bread congregation and the all-immigrant congregation, there will be this growing mixture of diverse congregations: the pan-Asian, pan-African, and truly multiracial and multiethnic.’’
  3. “These stats suggest that racial disparities in who gets stopped has more to do with officer bias and discretion than with crime rates, which is what the Police Department argues.”
  4. "About 60 to 70 percent of people taking these drugs have mild heartburn and shouldn't be on them."
  5. “She has served in a number of elite legal jobs where decision makers were exposed to her exceptional legal acumen. If you work with her, you realize you’re working with a brilliant lawyer, and a lot of slices of the legal profession have been exposed to her throughout her career.’’


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