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  1. "It had been bothering me for a while. ... In early summer, I had a really sore throat, early in the summer, and I actually went through a litany of doctors and tests and they didn't find anything."
  2. “I can’t see what’s happening in other boardrooms,’’ Termeer said. “But I can imagine, if history is a guide, people are trying to understand the value of Genzyme and what the strategic context is.’’
  3. "The media represents arguably the leading sex educator in America today," said Dr. Victor Strasburger, the lead author of the paper. "We do such a poor job of educating kids about sex in sex education classes in school, and parents are notoriously shy about talking to kids about sex. The media picks up the slack."
  4. "We already knew intuitively that removing breasts reduces the risk of breast cancer, but this is the first paper that actually shows it contributes to a survival benefit," said Dr. Jane Kakkis, surgical director at MemorialCare Breast Center at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, who was not involved in the study. "That's a big difference in terms of helping patients make a difficult decision."
  5. “We have sent our young men and women to make enormous sacrifices in Iraq, and spent vast resources abroad at a time of tight budgets at home,” Mr. Obama said. “Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility. Now, it’s time to turn the page.”
  6. "Tears, though there have been many, do not encompass it."


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