Fridge Brilliance: Joe Biden

It's not exactly a TV Trope, and I haven't really written about the guy for awhile, but this is an (admittedly belated) epiphany nonetheless: How was Joe Biden able to walk the line between tough and sensible during the 2008 Vice Presidential debate with Sarah Palin, whose presence was really the only thing keeping the McCain candidacy alive? It's no secret that one of the greatest fears amongst Democrats at the time was Biden, being known for "going off script," might, well, say something that would come off as mean to Palin, earning her a victory by default.

Answer: his experience in the Delaware Senatorial Debate against none other than Christine O'Donnell, the Palin-anointed GOP nominee for 2010 Delaware Senate seat and current conservative darling (Mileage May Vary).


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