Too Successful?

I'm beginning to think that maybe we are too successful in our "ventures" in Iraq.

Just recently, Vice President Cheney claims that the insurgents in Iraq are in "the last throes," which is I guess is his way of saying that they're about to call it quits. He also alluded that the increased violence and level of attacks were a result of the insurgents losing this conflict. So, to translate: more American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians are dying -and dying more violently- because the bad guys are close to defeat.

Which got me thinking, maybe that's why recruiting has been going down for the past few months. We're doing such a great job people don't feel the need to enlist! I mean, why bother if we're "winning," right? Those stories of recruiters lying to high school students about what they can expect, or making them think war is like a Tom Clancy video game, or telling potential recruits how to get fake diplomas and cheat drug tests and physicals have nothing to do with it. Oh, and neither does the fact that we've yet to find one weapon of mass destruction.

I'm glad the VP cleared things up. To paraphase the Great Biggie Smalls, it's a case of "mo' victories, mo' problems."


Beo said…
Hey, it's hard staying on top of the Mountain when you're there.

Dude, America's so deep in it, we don't have much of a choice because its people have been slowly waking up to the fact since Vietnam.

Where on the top of the proverbial mountain and it's hard work to stay there.

Unfortunetly, if we caught it earlier, there shouldn't have been a mountain to begin with.:(
Pryme said…
So far, the White House hasn't officially backed or refuted Cheney's claims...

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