Nothing to Lose

Republicans aligning themselves with President Bush's proposal to ban gay marraige via the US Constitution is a desparate move, to say the least.

For starters, it's not the most pressing issue Americans face. Of the top of my head, fighting terrorism, cleaning up our image with the world, making sure our troops are well-adjusted when they return home, fixing Social Security, addressing immigration as a whole (and not just south of the border), raising the minimum wage, revising health care, dealing with high gas prices, fixing our public educational system, and coming up with a viable plan of action for the avian flu seem to be a tad more important.

Secondly, it just goes back to my statement that Bush can't multitask. In this case, he cannot deal with issues that aren't "black and white." For him, it's got to be clear cut, with no noticeable variations. Otherwise, you have too many dissenting opinions and not enough support. With immigration, there were so many variables Bush became overwhelmed; it wasn't just a case of a group of people working jobs "Americans didn't want to do." Once Republicans began breaking rank on the issue, he saw the light and tried to salvage what influence he had left on the issue with a lousy "Address the Nation" announcement.


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