So, there's this big uproar over the High School Musical star (Vanessa Hudgens ) having a nude pic circulating the "Internets." But how big an issue is if her boyfriend (and co-star Zac Efron) didn't know anything about it until recently ? My take on the whole ordeal? Like the College Candy writer said: the pic is far from racy. She's posing, yes, but if she had clothes on you'd just think, "Oh, she's posing for the camera." Again: there's no "toys," "positions," or anything sexual; she's just standing up naked. Ignoring the silly "Is Zac gay?" rumors, what does it say about a guy who (a) didn't take the naked picture of his girlfriend's, (b) never saw the naked picture of his girlfriend, and (c) only learned about it after, I don't know, a buh-million people saw it on the internet? Communication much? Disney actually fired her, which is kinda jumping the gun here. It's not like she posed for...