Six Degrees: Michael Crichton to Jar-Jar

After reading this quote by Steven Spielberg on the late Michael Crichton, I came to a startling conclusion: Crichton is responsible for Jar Jar Binks.

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  1. Crichton writes Jurassic Park (which becomes a hit).
  2. Spielberg decides to adapt the novel into a movie blockbuster.
  3. Spielberg's pal George Lucas watches some scenes, asks Spielberg who he used for the dinosaur special effects. Spielberg replies, "Industrial Light and Magic" (Lucas' own company.
  4. Lucas decides to do three more Star Wars after all, but chooses to do prequels instead of sequels.
  5. Needing a catalyst for Chancellor Palpatine's rise to power, he creates the character Jar Jar Binks.



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