Really, Politico? "Spending Binge?"

Politico claims that Obama's plan to focus on fiscal responsibility may fall on deaf ears due to a "spending binge."

What constitutes said "spending binge?"

Even if Obama succeeds - and that’s a big if - it will be tough for many Democrats to sell themselves as deeply concerned about spending after voting for the stimulus, the bailouts, the health care legislation and a plan to address global warming, four enormous government programs.

Hmm... let's briefly review each of these "binges:"
  1. The stimulus was done to keep half the country from being evicted from their homes and selling our bodies for a Big Mack and fries. However, because the GOP bitched and moaned, Congress ended up passing a relatively small package that only kept us afloat, rather than put us over the top. Oh yeah: it was the crappy economy Bush left that necessitated this move anyway.
  2. The bailouts started under Bush; he punted to Obama, who was forced to finish this unsavory deal. It didn't help that he was peer-pressured into making a Wall Street guy in charge of the whole mess.
  3. Obama ran on Health Care Reform. Because both the stimulus and the bailouts were not part of his plans for the Administration, this is really the only initiative he can be blamed for. Then again, the majority of Americans want Health Care Reform.
  4. "His Plan for Global Warming?" As in: "he hasn't done it yet?" So how should this count as a "binge?"
So by my math, we have two initiatives/problems he inherited, one he campaigned on and one he hasn't even started. Yet Politico wants us to believe Obama's been basically spending money like he's Peggy Bundy. Whatever.


Republicans are just mad because their "starve the beast" endgame came up and they weren't in charge enough to do what they really wanted to do, which was cut every single social program that might "redistribute" "their" tax money to the Undeserving (O, horrors!), all in the name of "fiscal responsibility".

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