There's Nothing New Under The Sun

The actions taken by the Tea Party have been done before. Take the Know-Nothings for example:

Staunchly Protestant and nativist, they proposed limits on immigration (especially from largely Roman Catholic countries such as Ireland and Italy) and long waiting periods for naturalization. But many of the party’s planks were garden-variety social conservatism—like support for temperance laws and prayer in schools. Many Know-Nothings were members of the dying Whig Party, including Millard Fillmore, the former Whig president who tried to reclaim the White House (and came in last) as a Know-Nothing candidate in 1856. (Fillmore, a veritable virtuoso of the fringe-party form, had first been elected as a New York state legislator on the Anti-Masonic Party ticket).

Dixicrats, McCarthyists, the American Independent Party, the Moral Majority...all predecessors of what the Tea Party is now.


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