( pic via ) Wow . Just wow. Jack's comment, "There is no Sayid " says it all. And as of the end of the episode, you can probably say the same of Sun, Jin and Frank. I could go into the off-Island flash-ways, but there wasn't as much there as there was in the "real" world. Well, except for the fact that (once again) Jack's obsession with fixing things leads to embarrassment . Anyway; as questionable as events were , we learned that there are now three candidates (Jack, Hurley and Sawyer) three wild cards (Kate, Miles and Claire) and three "protectors" (Richard and Ben) left. At this point, the wild cards and the "protectors" are still expendable, but something tells me at least two of them will do something awesome before the series finale. DISCOVERIES Smokey knows how to rig explosives; I just find this interesting considering his smashing Zoe's radio seemed to indicate that he wasn't a fan of technology. Whatever his final...