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  1. "The court order specified that certain named people would pick her up. It's our understanding she went directly to a treatment center."
  2. "What we're looking to do is difficult, very difficult, but it's a fairly modest goal."
  3. “Now we have a whole generation of students who’ve grown up with information that just seems to be hanging out there in cyberspace and doesn’t seem to have an author. It’s possible to believe this information is just out there for anyone to take.”
  4. "I don't see any reason why we should renew a tax cut that only gives a tax cut to the wealthiest people in America, increases the deficit, and doesn't create jobs. That doesn't make any sense."
  5. "The bottom line is that adequate recovery is important for coping with the effects of chronic sleep restriction on the brain."
  6. "He was a person who moved within the Andean religious structure. Whether he's a priest or not, if he's committed a crime, he won't get any kind of protection when he faces justice."


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