
Showing posts from December, 2010

When You're Superman, You Get To Pick Which Cities Are Worth Saving

Via Comics Alliance's Worst Comics for 2010 .

North Korea Shows "Bend it Like Beckham"

Let the revolution begin .

Who's Editing History?

Well, paint me green and call me Gumby : Surprise, surprise, historians have found glaring errors in a textbook claiming that African Americans fought in large numbers for the South during the Civil War. A number of additional errors have been found in other textbooks being used in some Virginia classrooms, since the state ordered a review of the books, the Washington Post reports . Among the textbooks' errors are claims that the Confederacy included 12 states and the U.S. entered World War I in 1916. Five professional scholars reviewed the books, with three of them finding "disturbing" results. State officials are scheduled to meet January 10 to review the results. "I absolutely could not believe the number of mistakes -- wrong dates and wrong facts everywhere. How in the world did these books get approved?" said Ronald Heinemann, a former history professor at Hampden-Sydney College who reviewed "Our Virginia: Past and Present." The other book ...

It's All In Their Heads

There's new research regarding what makes conservatives and liberals tick. C&L has the goods .

Retirement Boom

Here we go : CHICAGO (AP) -- Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing, many baby boomers are facing a personal finance disaster just as they're hoping to retire. Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years. The boomers, who in their youth revolutionized everything from music to race relations, are set to redefine retirement. But a generation that made its mark in the tumultuous 1960s now faces a crisis as it hits its own mid-60s. "The situation is extremely serious because baby boomers have not saved very effectively for retirement and are still retiring too early," says Olivia Mitchell, director of the Boettner Center for Pensions and Retirement Research at the University of Pennsylvania.

Sweet Baby Jesus Part 4: The Dark Knight Version

Comics Alliance caught another racist protest: apparently Batman shouldn't be recruiting Muslims for his franchise .

Snow Problem

I remember getting some condescending calls at work from customers regarding last year's snow; these people were apparently from states that get snow regularly and couldn't understand why Maryland and D.C. weren't are prepared. I tried to explain to them that for us, it wasn't regular snowfall, but no no avail. So imagine my shock to see this NYT story about criticism toward New York Mayor Bloomberg . Fortunately, not every mayor had this problem .

The Jesus You Never Knew

I'm sure there are reasons that the dragon-taming, snake-exploding boy Jesus was excluded from the final cut of the Bible.

No Main Topic

“The world has not come to an end. The city is going fine. Broadway shows were full last night. There are lots of tourists here enjoying themselves. I think the message is that the city goes on .” "We are not saying, `Support us,'" said Faisal Masood, a graduate of the University of Illinois, Chicago, and management consultant . "But we want them to understand what our values are." "We are overwhelmed with happiness and joy at this very special moment," John and his long-time partner, David Furnish, said in a statement . "Zachary is healthy and doing really well, and we are very proud and happy parents." “Not to take responsibility from what he did, but Harvard has to own up to what it did by letting him in,’’ said Steven Sussman, Wheeler’s attorney . “There were substantial irregularities with the Wheeler application that should have raised red flags that were ignored.’’

R.I.P., Teena Marie

She was 54. NewsOne is all over this, with some of her top songs , her impact on soul music , and five things you probably didn't know about her .

Around the Internets

A cool surprise for some MD high schoolers. John McCain goes out swinging ...angrily. Top Ten overrated movies for 2010 .

Making Christmas Cookies The Orange Lantern Way

Of course considering that the Orange Lantern represent greed, you may wonder way he would bake cookies...well, it makes sense in context .

Explaining Santa Claus With Science

The way .

Quote Of The Day

"and the nfl is waging war on thanksgiving. the rose bowl is waging war on my hangover." -- "ilikeike," commenting on a Media Matters post about Fox News' latest bout with stupidity .

A Christmas Special

Not for the politically correct . You've been warned.

No Main Topic

“I’m ready for the next game, to be honest with you. I want to play. It’s kind of cool that this game happened [early in] our season . Because when you get to the end of the year you have this emptiness because your season is over. But now we have this high, but we can still play. So, I’m loving it.’’ "When you get the very cold air mixing in with the very warm air, it can be quite volatile ." "The reason they don’t work in some people is that they are rundown. If you have a poor diet and aren’t taking care of yourself and getting enough rest, don't expect it to work ." " Apps must comply will all local laws and may not put an individual or targeted group in harms way ." " The bottom line : for now, gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members must remain cautiously closeted. " I have been a member of Weight Watchers for 23 years and I'm back on it right now." "It was a rocky relationship from what I understand, a lot of u...

Shorter Senate Republicans: "We Can't Help The American People Because It's Almost Christmas & We Need To Get Home."

That was basically the message from senators Kyle and DeMint, which was also a subtle dig at Harry Reid . Reid responded in kind . Also, Roland Martin gives his own perspective of this exchange .

You Know The World's Crazy

When politicians like Newt Gingrich are begging strippers for cash . Oh, did I mention that he has a history with this particular establishment?

No Main Topic

" It is sometimes difficult to understand why I still have to warn the public about the presence of hexavalent chromium in drinking water 23 years after my colleagues and I first sounded the alarm." “ Ratification of the New Start treaty is vital to U.S. national security .” “ At Harvard, ROTC has been like the crazy uncle in the attic : We know he’s up there but we don’t want to tell anyone that he’s there.’’ " He revealed himself as a sociopath who fooled the entire family and killed his best friend, who was ... the best man ."

Gilbert Arenas' Best Buzzer-Beaters

The guys over at Bullets Forever are doing Gilbert Arenas Tribute Day, and this is one of their entries .

Quote Of The Day

"Because it is an overtly religious place, it's not strange or weird to care about your religion here, to pray and make God a priority." -- Reef Al-Shabnan, explaining why he and many other Muslim students are enrolling in Catholic universities . While we're on the subject, here's some myths about Islam that have been, of all places .

Fan-Made Video For "The Path" Video Game

If you're unfamiliar with the game, info can be found here and here .

Around the Internets

( pic via ) I don't think too many people would ever accuse the Black Eyed Peas of being original anyway. Way to ruin any chance of having a basketball career . Now I may watch a "Fast and Furious" movie. Shorter C-SPAN callers : Michael Steele shouldn't be RNC Chair anymore because he's black. Actually, I believe TIME magazine thinks we're all idiots . Foods you'd be better off not serving during the holidays . Consider raising your children here . Victoria Beckham looked like an extra from "Saved By the Bell" when she was 18.

DADT Repealed

About time . And in case some people thought that every Senate Democrat was behind the repeal ...

"The Walking Dead": Zombie Kills


In Other News, Water Is Wet

A study says that those who follow Fox News aren't really that knowledgeable on the issues . Kinda defeats the whole purpose of watching a news channel, doesn't it? Then again, with Rashomon Journalism , one can't be too surprised.

"What's Nia Long Been Up To?"

From NewsOne : There is a new trailer for “MOOZ-Lum,” which stars Nia Long, Evan Ross and Roger Guenveur Smith. The movie is about a Black Muslim family and a young Muslim man’s experience with prejudice and racism on a college campus following 9/11. The movie will be in limited release, February 11th 2011. Sounds interesting. I'm sure the anti-Muslim Freakout Crowd will be addressing this about a week before it hits theaters.

So I Googled, "Darth Vader vs..." and

What can I say but, "Thank you, Internet!"

Rashomon Journalism

The tax deal has passed. Here's how some of the media portrayed the story: The New York Times WASHINGTON — Congress at midnight Thursday approved an $801 billion package of tax cuts and $57 billion for extended unemployment insurance. The vote sealed the first major deal between President Obama and Congressional Republicans as Democrats put aside their objections and bowed to the realignment of power brought about by their crushing election losses. The bipartisan support for the tax deal also underscored the urgency felt by the administration and by lawmakers in both parties to prop up the still-struggling economy and to prevent an across-the-board tax increase that was set to occur if the rates enacted under President George W. Bush had expired, as scheduled, at the end of the month. TRANSLATION: The Democrats caved and voted for a tax cut extension in order to help an economy that hasn't been helped by said tax cuts previously. Also, this is the first time Oba...

Today In "Bad-Ass Normal" News...

We have what would have been a (sadly) normal occurrence in the retail world : Two men were in an east Houston jewelry store Thursday afternoon pretending to be customers when a third man burst into the store and stated, "This is a robbery," Houston police spokesman Kese Smith said. They then proceed to tie up the owner and his wife. Well, I should say "try" instead of "proceed": As they were trying to tie up the store owner, the 52-year-old took out a handgun from his waistband and fatally shot one of the suspects, Smith said. The store owner then grabbed a shotgun and shot and killed the two other suspects in the ensuring gunbattle, Smith said. I know; "Wow!" Yeah, it's amazing how that went down. Especially when you learn that: The newspaper said Castillo was in critical but stable condition at hospital after suffering gunshot wounds to his left shoulder, left abdomen and legs. Whoa, and his wife? The woman was unharmed, police said...

No Main Topic

North Korea continues to flex . Paging Gotham City ... They fought the law , and... Curb Stomp Battle: San Diego-style . Well, if you're going to treat them like animals, might as well . Curb Stomp Battle: Boston-style .

Sweet Baby Jesus Part 3: The Nordic Version

Apparently some people believes that a black Englishmen can't play Nordic Gods in a movie based on comic book characters. CA has the story on these racists .

No Main Topic

Another so-called family values candidate charged with assault . Hulkimania's still running wild . Parents get low marks for their part in their child's educational development. Selective transparency is the status quo . The irony here is that her false story may now come true, just not exactly how she told it.

Shoot-Out @ California Barber Shop Kills One and Wounds Six

What gets me about this one is that the barbers had guns .

Pot Trumps Tobacco

Don't know if this is really a "yay" moment, but it is what it is.

I Really Wish This Was a Scene From One Of His Movies

Zoinks ! LITCHFIELD, Conn. – Prosecutors say actor Rip Torn has pleaded guilty to charges stemming from allegations he broke into a Connecticut bank while drunk and armed.

No Main Topic

( pic via ) More proof that the only good news concerning a war is that it's over. When a cigarette company markets their product to a 9-yr-old, they deserve to be sued . The alternative to having your daughter where a chastity belt. All this tells me is that I still have a shot. The Marines are the last military barrier to repealing DADT . Most meetings use gavels, not guns .

A Moment Of Disclosure

I wasn't aware of this until I received this email , but one of the benefits from the tax cut deal includes an extension of "employee-provided education assistance." Translated, those involved can offer up to $5,250 a year for classes. In my case, that means if I take a class, as long as the cost is under that amount I don't have to pay for anything other than books. Since I'm going for my MBA, I can take two classes per year and only worry about having to pay on the taxes for one of them (which they take out of my paycheck, BTW). That's a big deal to me because it cuts my paycheck by almost 23%. I'm not saying it's a complete justification for accepting a flawed deal, but their are plenty of people out there who will get cut off academically and probably never resume their degree-hunt if the assistance is cut off. BTW, it looks like it will pass the Senate . What happens when the House gets their hands on it is a different story.

Uber-Recall Of Rolaids Products

Whoa .

Around The Internets

( pic via ) Tips for guys on meeting women . Fitness myths . What Wikileaks revealed about the American media . For some actors/actresses, it isn't acting . Other things that can give you acne . I would like to think teens aren't trying to get pregnant to be on a fucking TV show, but there you go . If you ignore these subtle signs , a heart attack may be in your future. The Bea Arthur you didn't know .

Bill Clinton Supports Obama's Tax Deal

When I said, " Don't be so surprised ," I meant it .

Not Exactly What I'd Call "Customer Service"

Old guy (67 yrs) cause a ruckus at Burger King, gets into it with employee. Old guy tries to hit employee, misses, gets punched by employee, and dies . And before anyone starts dumping on the (younger) employee, let's not forget that video a few years back of Old Guy Beating Crap Out of Young Guy On Bus, in which that Old Guy was basically canonized (the lesson? If you're old and you connect, you can be a hero).

All-Female American Squads

About freaking time .

An Anniversary Gilbert Arenas Would Rather Not Celebrate

Actually, this is typical Gilbert : he talks about being a changed person, accepting his role with the team, and how people don't understand him. What sticks out to me is that he said he learned a lesson in ego-checking from watching Allen Iverson's last moments in the NBA.

Transformers: Dark of The Moon Trailer

Quote Of The Day

"Paul Rudd is so good at playing a dick boyfriend that Rihanna ducks when she watches Wet Hot American Summer." --'s Seanbaby .

Street Fighter: Drunk Edition

Image does it again .

A New New Tomb Raider

Video game's answer to Indiana Jones is back again .

This Just In: LeBron Is Still A Jerk

In other news, water is wet .

Don't Be So Surprised

I'm not going to say that the Democrats in Congress or President Obama is salvaging what they can. I'm not saying that they shouldn't fight. I won't say that the liberal/progressive base deserve to be ignored. I will say that no one should be surprised. And no, not because "Obama said 'X' and now he's doing 'Y.'" How is that different from Clinton? Sure, he gave us that awesome surplus, but even Thom Hartmann has talked about how Clinton governed with a conservative slant. People tend to forget that because the guy was a Democrat. No, we shouldn't be surprised because of two basic things that have been constant since Ronald Reagan came in and did a curb stomp on progressive politics: The elected Democrats fear the GOP base more than their own; Liberals and Progressives have not successfully infiltrated the Democratic Party. On point one: I've said this over and over and over again; and here's why: elected Democrats, like your av...

It's a Trap!

No, really; the tax cuts was a political trap . Time for Obama to realize that the GOP does not plan on playing nice .

Around The Internets

Actually, Khloe, that guy should be in jail . Operation: Bring Pat Riley Back is in full swing. Five Hip-Hop Myths . Mr. Nolan: I'm not so sure about this idea . A Candid Colbert ? Cool. How to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . Michael Moore wants to have dinner with you . Self-destruction ; you're headed for self-destruction... Those wacky dictators . More proof that Glenn Beck doesn't listen to himself . I usually prefer to not mix sports and politics, but this is too good to pass up .

Rude Pundit Is Right....

... it shouldn't be this hard . But when a political party fears their opponent's base more than their own, the easy tends to become complicated.

A Comeback For A Cosby Kid

Congrats to Tempestt Bledsoe .

Quote Of The Day

A homophobic Christian is accusing a progressive Muslim of backing gay rights in order to institute Sharia law which would call for gays to be persecuted. --"ArrivalofGodot," pretty much summarizing this TPM story .

The (Bush) Tax Cuts Explained

Media Matters had two separate posts regarding the Lame Duck House of Representative's vote on the Bush Tax Cuts, one about Fox Nation's response , and one about Fox and Friends . In both, a member by the name of "whatithink" posted two very informative notes. The first was about how tax cuts work : I don't think conservatives realize just exactly what they are getting so upset about. Let's say I make $249,000/yr. I would still get the Bush tax cuts. Let's say I make $251,000/yr. I would still get the Bush tax cuts on $250,000 and the extra $1 would get taxed at a higher rate. If a person makes over $250k/yr, that doesn't mean they get no tax cut at all. It means the portion that exceeds the $250k gets taxed at a higher rate. Get it yet? So all this crying that people making over $250k/yr will get no tax cut is a bunch of BS. EVERYBODY , from you, me, to the movie stars who make $20 million a picture, gets the same tax cuts on the fi...

Michael Jordan (and Nike) Had Nothing To Do With "Response" Video

As entertaining as it was, it was done by someone else .

Who's Afraid Of The Big, Bad Draft?

The Real Life Destro himself, Oliver North, that's who! He thinks that if gay people (who already serve in the military, BTW) actually started to admit that they were gay in public, then the straight soldiers would turn into mush and trample each other trying to leave the military. Which means that we'll have to have a draft in order to replenish our ranks. Me? I have a feeling that if we had kept the draft, we probably wouldn't still be talking about withdrawing fully from the two wars we're involved with now. Because, you know, we might not have fought them throughout Bush's two terms. Anyway, Media Matters sets Mr. North straight .

Oh Porky Pig; You Scamp You!

No Main Topic

LeBron has no idea the level of hate he's going to encounter . David Brian Mitchell is a sicko . A Creationist Theme Park . 'Nuff said. Brett Farve quits again . For real this time. Honest.

Here We Go Again...Again.

Media Matters documents how Glenn Beck's "perfect storm" is really a broken record .

These Goalposts Aren't Going To Move Themselves

With the report on DADT coming out in favor of repeal, the Senate's biggest holdout John McCain now has to insult the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Secretary of Defense and the POTUS in order to make a new standard (it's no secret that the Marine Corps is the biggest military hurdle to repeal while the other branches are either pro-repeal or indifferent). But as TPM notes, that swipe at Sec. Gates isn't accurate . If McCain doesn't think gays should serve, he should just say so.

Jason Whitlock: LeBron James Ain't Changing

Sounds pretty accurate to me : LeBron James thinks he’s as dedicated to the game as Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, Steve Nash and Tyler Hansbrough. Nope. He’s more talented, the game comes easier to LeBron. He can excel in the NBA without ever submitting to coaching. He can earn lifetime financial security without ever attending college or grinding at the bottom of the corporate ladder. He can win friends and be popular with women without ever demonstrating humility or showing respect. You wonder why Big Ben Roethlisberger tried to have sex with a college student inside a nightclub closet/bathroom? Probably because he had before. People do what works. If bad habits get rewarded, people never interpret them as bad habits. LeBron James bullies the coaches who dare to coach him, who dare to try to define for him the sacrifices necessary for true greatness. According to an ESPN story, the Heat players, particularly LeB...