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  1. "We can, and we must, work together," Obama told an audience at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, his most overt effort yet to mend ties with the nation's business community. "Whatever differences we may have, I know that all of us share a deep, abiding belief in this country, a belief in our people, a belief in the principles that have made America's economy the envy of the world."
  2. "The Weinsteins have paid everything they should have paid," Fields told The Hollywood Reporter. "Mr. Moore has received a huge amount of money from this film and we believe he is overreaching. He should be ashamed of himself."
  3. "I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place."
  4. "He wasn't the person that you had to be worried about when you went out," said David Oliveira, who isn't a Youngstown student but knew Johnson from his hometown. "He wasn't the type of guy to get into conflicts."


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