If You Really Want To Help

If you're not black, you witnessed what happened in Charlotte, VA, you are adamantly opposed to what the protesters are all about, have read stories like this and this, and are confused because you just really want to help and show support and don't know how...

Here's one humble solution, broken down in steps.

  1. Declare your candidacy for elected office (state or federal, executive or legislative, it doesn't matter).
  2. Run a campaign without taking lobbyist money (that way you won't be obligated to follow their agenda).
  3. Create/enact policies that will help the working class (here, "help"means "reduce their expenses and increase their disposable income."
  4. Make sure that these policies help as many people as possible in your sphere of influence.
  5. Refuse to do any TV shows and/or interviews that will not allow you to talk in details about your policies (your opinions are not relative to having the policies enacted).
  6. Make sure that some of your staff include those you are trying to help (and yes, they should both want to work in this field and have the adequate qualifications). 
  7. Encourage like-minded people in your circle of friends and relatives to do the same.


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