
Showing posts from September, 2017

As Long As You Don't Hurt Their Bottom Line, You Won't Get Fired

" I find it absolutely amazing that people think a huge company like Comcast spends its time telling a weekend cable host what to say . " - Joy Ann Reid How about a huge company like ESPN? What if someone there made a comment that could put the company in hot water? Obviously, Ms. Reid has heard about Ms. Hill's comments and has given her opinion on them . But I can't help but notice that her angle of commentary is that "Trump White House = Bad For Wanting Jemele Hill Fired" and not, "A Huge Company, When Pressed On, Can Influence Their Employees; What Was I Thinking?" I mean, it wasn't too hard for the Root to come to that conclusion . Trump voters and Trump supporters like sports. ESPN is all about sports. If ESPN employee of note makes negative comments about Trump, of course his sports-loving supporters will be riled up, and of course a group like ESPN will scramble to cover their butt. Because whether it's entertainment, ...

Hillary Clinton Is Just Too Status Quo For Her Own Good

First, read this , watch this and read this to see where I'm coming from. The common thread here is Clinton has accepted the world we live in to a degree, and is shocked whenever someone does something or says something that doesn't fit the narrative. Whether it's a news organization's goal of ratings/profits, young voters being enamored with Bernie Sanders, or completely toning down her religious leanings, Clinton is seeing everything from a perspective of The Status Quo. For those who don't know, politically-speaking The Status Quo says that the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) isn't perfect but it's the best Americans can hope for. TSQ says that the police are just doing their job, and if minorities (and the occasional white woman) are harassed or even killed, it's all for the greater good. TSQ says that all registered Democrats must support anyone with a "D" next to their name because the Republicans are mean and naughty. TSQ says...

Smug Horn-dog Interviews Unrepentant Horn-dog

Oh Happy Day . Remember when O'Reilly considered NBC/MSNBC the enemy?

Privilege Is NOT a Way Of Life

I say this for those who believe, like apparently 39% of Americans, that white people are "under attack" in America. Of course this is a stretch in logic . There are plenty of reasons (given in the link) why by any reasonable metric this feeling is unfounded. But I supposed that is the crux of the matter: something is making people feel this way. Because white people are not being rounded up, separated from their families or targeted by the authorities. If 9-11 happened, like, every month, in cities that were predominately white and the terrorists behind it were sending videos after each event claiming that this was because of white people, then that could be called an attack. The only thing that can be arguably in danger is white privilege. Not the ability to argue with a police officer without fear of getting shot. Not having to worry about someone placing bananas or nooses on the door to your children's dorm-room. Not being labeled lazy because you can't ...

Hillary Clinton Cares So Much About America, She Wrote a Book to Make Money Off of Them


Can't Let Something Like a City-Destroying Storm Get In the Way of Profits!

Joel Osteen, he of soothing voice and prosperity gospel advocacy, was recently in the spotlight for being shamed to opening the doors of his church to flood victims who may or may not all be part of his congregation . It's good that he finally did (hey, it took Moses a little while to get with the program; God's used to working with stubborn people). HOWEVER... When you run a tax-exempt organization that's allowed to do most anything without scrutiny, you gotta find some way to compensate for those bums who may be *gasp* trying to take advantage of your (strong-armed) goodwill! So why not pass that plate around while people who are looking for shelter are still hanging around ? They may not have a house, but I bet there's still money in the bank! Let it be said that this humble blogger's theory is: Osteen never wanted to open the church as a shelter in the first place because he was thinking about Sunday service, and he wanted his congregation to come into...