As Long As You Don't Hurt Their Bottom Line, You Won't Get Fired
" I find it absolutely amazing that people think a huge company like Comcast spends its time telling a weekend cable host what to say . " - Joy Ann Reid How about a huge company like ESPN? What if someone there made a comment that could put the company in hot water? Obviously, Ms. Reid has heard about Ms. Hill's comments and has given her opinion on them . But I can't help but notice that her angle of commentary is that "Trump White House = Bad For Wanting Jemele Hill Fired" and not, "A Huge Company, When Pressed On, Can Influence Their Employees; What Was I Thinking?" I mean, it wasn't too hard for the Root to come to that conclusion . Trump voters and Trump supporters like sports. ESPN is all about sports. If ESPN employee of note makes negative comments about Trump, of course his sports-loving supporters will be riled up, and of course a group like ESPN will scramble to cover their butt. Because whether it's entertainment, ...