Hindsight Will Truly Be "2020"

 Notes/Comments/Opinions on American Politics as We Enter the Endgame:

  • Everyone who is praising Kamala Harris is talking about who she is (a WOC, a former prosecutor, a Senator) and saying very little about what she has done. I may be in the minority here, but shouldn't the 2nd most powerful person in the country be evaluated on their accomplishments and their policies? 
  • Joe Biden needs to do two things to convince enough people to vote him into office: (1) make it through at least one debate looking like a competent politician, and (2) control his temper. I'm not confident that he can do either.
  • The GOP claiming that Biden and Harris -who crossed political swords with Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard, respectively- are being controlled by the "Radical Left" is laughable to anyone who watched the Democratic Primary. Neither Biden nor Harris support Medicare For All. Neither Biden nor Harris have plans to change the nature of criminal justice system (especially policing). Neither Biden nor Harris have shown that they will end the current wars we're in. 
  • Those who represent the Left in American politics are the biggest losers of 2020 politics. There have been a few noticeable victories (Cori Bush comes to mind). However:
  • President Donald Trump is taking a sledge hammer to the Postal Service. Yes; it is amount to rigging. Yes; it hurts the military and jobs. Yes; it's odd that the Democrats aren't attacking Trump about this with the same fervor they did during RussiaGate (or Tik Tok). 
  • Breonna Taylor's murders are still free. We're still in about seven wars/conflicts. Flint, Michigan still does not have clean water. There are companies still classified as "too big to fail." Because of the Electoral College, in the last six presidential elections the winner of the popular vote did not become president. "Essential workers" can't earn $15/hour. Whistle-blowers are treated ore harshly then the criminals they expose. Children are being forced to go to crowded schools in the middle of a pandemic. By rejecting Net Neutrality, the FCC has allowed ISPs to price gauge customers and punish streaming services that they don't like. WHO'S GONNA FIX ALL OF THIS? 


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