They Don't Want You To Criticize Joe Biden AT ALL

 The people compelled to drag Joe Biden over the presidential finish line have decided that running on policy is too cumbersome and problematic to their donors. So instead, they have decided to attack all criticism of the former Vice President.

Criticize him for not giving the Left any issues to vote for? Point out how he's been condescending towards progressives? Point out his history of collaborating with Republicans more than his base? Then you are part of a Russian plot:

Bring up accusations of sexual misconduct (and that's putting it nicely)? The nepotism (again, putting it nicely)? The misstatements and emotional outbursts ("Look here, Fat;" "Vote for the other guy;" "You ain't black!"). Sorry, Donald Trump has done worse, so those complaints are off-limits:

So based on this criteria, Joe Biden is flawless! He's both a victim of Russian interference and an improvement over the current crass occupant of the White House. It's not his fault; it's not his problem. 

The truth is: whether Joe Biden wins or loses the election, he and his followers are in for a very RUDE awakening.


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