"Progressive" James Clyburn Believes in Means Testing Child Tax Credit

 You would think that someone who has "liberal stances on health care, education, organized labor" and other such issues would think that giving a child tax credit with no strings would be a slam dunk for Rep James Clyburn.

You would think:

In an interview with the Washington Post, Clyburn (D-S.C.) said that during negotiations over Democrats' stalled Build Back Better package, "Manchin made it very clear that he had a problem... not with the child tax credit per se, but he wanted to see it means tested."

"I'm not opposed to that," Clyburn said. "Who would oppose that? So, I would like to see him come forward with a bill for the child tax credit that's means tested. I think it would pass."

In fact, many—including dozens of Clyburn's fellow House Democrats—have voiced opposition to Manchin's demand for a lower income cut-off for the program, which lawmakers and the Biden White House are aiming to revive in some form.

In October, 27 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) making the case for universal programs and warning against "complicated methods of means testing that the wealthy and powerful will use to divide us with false narratives about 'makers' and 'takers.'"

Sigh. Your progressive champion, everyone. 


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