Two Interesting US Oil Facts

  1.  In 2021, The US imported around 8.47 million barrels barrels per day of petroleum from 73 countries, and exported about 8.63 millions barrels per day of petroleum to 176 countries (and 4 US territories. In other words, American was a net exporter of 0.16 million barrels per day. 
  2. President Biden's ban on petroleum gases from Russia is "largely symbolic," mostly because the US doesn't import that much gas from Russia. 
In light of the rising price of gas-at-the-pump, these two facts raise the question of what Biden and the Democratic Party plan to do going forward. Should that much petroleum be exported in light of current events? Why imposed a ban that doesn't matter? How would continuing either help people who need affordable gas in order to "get back to the office," as Biden has requested/suggested?


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