Probably the Most Disturbing Thing About The Leaked SCOTUS Draft Opinion

 People like Kyle Kulisnki and Niko House have their takes (I lean more toward Niko on this one), but what I find most disturbing about the story is the reaction: namely things like this:

From the blurb (the link won't matter because this page is constantly having stories added to it, forcing older ones to scroll down):

The United States Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, and Supreme Court Police are adding security measures in response to demonstrations surrounding the leaked draft opinion that would overturn Roe V. Wade.  

Protesters descended on areas outside the Supreme Court overnight after the draft opinion was released, and have remained throughout the morning. 

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Department told CNN the department is activating its Civil Disturbance Unit to manage protests, but declined to specific how many officers or where they’d be deployed.  

The United States Capitol Police said it is working with other agencies and adding additional officers to areas around the Supreme Court.  

Demonstrations are planned throughout the day after hundreds turned out at the steps of the building.

Shut Down DC has advertised an event in the area to begin around 5 p.m. Other groups from New York to Houston have advertised protests via social media at municipal buildings, parks and other highly visible locations, such as the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. 

Quick Thoughts:

  • Forgot that the Supreme Court have their own police. Yikes. Does that mean that technically the Judicial Branch controls a group normally associated with the Executive Branch?
  • Where was all this security on Jan 6th?
  • Why is the government's first instinct not to encourage debate about the issue, but to put up barriers to separate the deciders from the people impacted by their decision?
  • Will this get violent? Protesting pipelines and police brutality is one thing; the participants where overwhelmingly racial minorities so police "being excessive" was regularly overlooked and justified in the media. But what happens if the crowds get bigger and (likely) whiter? Will the news show police swinging their sticks at white women fighting for their bodies? 
  • Seriously: where was all of this security on Jan 6th? 


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