Watch & Learn: America Can Barely Supply a Proxy War

 Big revelation via The Duran:

So. Many. Questions!

  1. Why take the role of supplier if you can't maintain enough weapons to actually win the conflict?
  2. If the Biden Administration/US Military can't supply enough conventional ammunitions for a proxy war with Russia, what makes them think they could sustain an actual hot war with Russia?
  3. Also, what makes them believe that they could sustain any type of conflict with China?
  4. If NATO goes down, where does that leave the US?
  5. How does any of this truly benefit Europe?
  6. What's really guiding the US here: politics, money, military hubris or some combination?

On the last one, I see the convergence of American politics (as they said in the video, the desire to keep this conflict going through the 2024 election), military hubris (the belief that the US military can beat anyone hands down) and pure greed (trying to make a profit of this whole conflict/situation) in a way where one will have to give. True military personnel want to win wars but the weapons manufacturers  care more about profit; a prolonged conflict aids the latter but can slowly erode the moral of the former. And then you throw in the fact that there are people looking at this solely from the perspective of political gains and losses. There are ways to end the conflict that would help the politicians and military same some face, but that means less money for the war profiteers. But if this continues to escalate, even incrementally, odds are those on the side of the US and NATO will experience a public loss that can't be spun or sugarcoated, and there's a real fear that nuclear options will be on the table because our leaders are basically having a temper tantrum. 

This is just one more item to add to the list of bad military decisions the US are making.  


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