Dumb, Dumb-Dumb-Dumb...DUMB!

Washington Post's Dana Milbank with the scoop!

President Obama is just killing the progressive movement.

For the past few years, liberal activists have gathered in Washington each spring for the Take Back America conference, where speaker after speaker -- Obama sometimes among them -- would give rollicking denunciations of the Bush administration before packed rooms of partisans.

But now that Obama has actually taken back America, the
activists at this year's gathering feel a bit like the dog that finally caught up with the car. Organizers changed the name from Take Back America to America's Future Now, but that didn't prevent a sharp decline in participation.

Damn Obama; taking away the Left's thunder! What shall liberals and progressive do?

How about...succeed?

Less than 24 hours after President Obama announced the
nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, an alliance formed solely to push the appointment launched a six-figure ad buy on the major television networks.

"Raised in public housing by a working mom who taught her the power of education," the text of the ad reads, as Obama talks in the background about the virtues of an ideal jurist. "Tough prosecutor. Distinguished judge. Practical understanding of the law."

Conservative groups, by contrast, stumbled through days of disjointed messages and never mustered the resources for a major television campaign. By the end of the week, Republicans were fighting among themselves over the perils of attacking the nation's first Hispanic nominee to the high court.

Gwhaa? Wait, how did this happen?

The episode was one of the latest examples of how Obama's election has dramatically altered the landscape occupied by the advocacy groups, think tanks and lobbying firms that make up Washington's sprawling influence industry. Democratic and left-leaning groups are now ascendant, enjoying clout not seen in a generation and benefiting from close access to a White House brimming with former colleagues.

Well OK then. What's that? This was also a story in the Washington Post? Well then.

Seriously: how can newspapers expect people to buy and read them on a regular basis when the employees don't even use the product?

Or maybe Dana Milbank is just killing journalism.


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