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  1. "I don't have a social life... I sit at home all day."
  2. "He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn't breathing. Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse."
  3. "Jenny is the hero in this story. She's the hero to her children, and I think she's the hero to this state. In the midst of this tragedy, she is standing strong to who she is and what she believes in. . . . I think Jenny has not had these types of ambitions, but I think every woman in South Carolina would vote for Jenny Sanford for governor right now." (Look, I think the woman is strong to weather this, but by no means does that make her a qualified candidate for governor; that thinking is how South Carolina got in this mess).
  4. I’ve been all over him like a cheap suit when I think he’s wrong about something or not paying attention. I would go through the wall now for John Kerry, and I wouldn’t have said that 10 years ago.’’
  5. "If holding a poll provokes a coup, the abduction of the president and expulsion from his country, then what kind of democracy are we living in?"


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