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  1. "The fact that nearly one of five women does not have a child of her own -- that's an enormous transformation from the past."
  2. "Only in my dreams have I been able to have a catfight with Debbie Gibson...until now! This is soo MEGA Cool!"
  3. “They know this creates a bigger breach between us and Karzai.”
  4. "It's exceptional to see a psychologically disturbed person say: I have to be treated."
  5. If parents are that upset, and we have to revise it to fifth- and sixth-graders, then that would be fine with me.’’
  6. "I feel like I had pressure since I became number one in high school and was one of the top players. I always got there hungry, wanting to fight hard and compete in every game. So when I step on the court, I'm going to take on any challenge there."


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