Tony's Snowjob

"White House press secretary Tony Snow said yesterday that he 'overstated the president's position' during a briefing last week but said Bush rejected the bill because 'he does have objections with spending federal money on something that is morally objectionable to many Americans.'"

Normally when spokesperson "overstates" like that, they get fired. You can't go from "It's Murrrrdaa!" to "What I meant to say was..." like this. I mean, does he think he can appease the pro-life crowd one day, and then the pro-choice crowd the next?

So to recap; Tony then:

"The simple answer is he [President Bush] thinks murder’s wrong."

And Tony now:

"I overstepped my brief there, and so I created a little trouble for Josh Bolten in the interview. And I feel bad about it."

Like I said: anyone else would be fired.


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