How Sad is the Bush Administration?

So sad that George W. Bush said that if he was running for president now, he'd run on "change."

I've always held the belief that despite the (as Al Franken put it) "Fear, Smear and Queers" campaign Bush ran on in 2004, what made that an interesting election was that he was running against 2000 Bush as much as he was running against 2004 John Kerry. In 2004, he barely mentioned his accomplishments (stop laughing) as president. He ended his "Kerry can't be president because he's flip-floppy" speeches with the comment (directed at Kerry) "He can run, but he can't hide!" Does that sound like something an incumbent would say?

And remember, even though 9/11 happened on his watch, he managed to campaign as the person best suited to protect us...from another terrorist attack.


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