Stupid Memes: 0, Grownups: 2,572

Latest Stupid Meme? Obama is the reason for this current recession.

Even Karl Rove got into the act, blaming the current financial mess on the fact that Obama has not chosen a Treasury Secretary.

Well, that seems like something logical...if you believe this stupid meme (or if you're drunk). Fortunately, Obama has made a choice.

Next: canine deaths are on the rise because Obama won't choose a puppy.


Considering that Obama's choice for Treasury Sec is creditied with the Stock Market shooting up, maybe blaming Obama for any trouble it was in was a bad strategy, since he now gets the credit for the gains.
Pryme said…
Sean Hannity's head will explode before he admits that.
I'd like to see that.

On YouTube.

Over and over and over.

word verification: "bloggly" (really!)

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