Upon reflection on the Wizards-Cavaliers game, I realized the biggest boon to Washington may not necessarily be offensive. After all, they have very capable scorers in Arenas, Butler, Jamison, Miller, Foye, Young, and Blatche. And while the team needs the Tri-Force to win the big games , a lighter roster should be more than capable of putting away the scrubs. No, the most significant change for the Wizards is their defensive potential . Consider the following lineups (going in order from PG to C, in in cases when more than one player can work, the preferred player goes first): Traditional Lineup : Crittenton/Arenas, Stevenson, Butler, Oberto, Haywood . Your standard NBA lineup...I say "standard" because as good and valuable as he is, Jamison is not a traditional power forward. You Want Small-ball? I Got Yer "Small-ball" Right Here : Boykins, Arenas/Foye, Stevenson, Jamison, Blatche/Oberto . There are still those teams (they usually have no reliable post players) tha...