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  1. This business is all about serving clients, and if you don’t evolve, you die.”
  2. "Most likely children who already received the vaccine are going to have an adequate immune response. We're going to accept they got proper immunity from it."
  3. “Take it from me, someone who could have used a little advice in the past — there’s nothing better than learning from someone else’s experiences.”
  4. “They’re not happy. I’m not happy. What remains is dramatic. We just don’t want to lose the opportunity, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.’’
  5. “With the right policies, America can build competitive, domestic industries that once again support a vibrant middle class.”
  6. "She's made up her mind. There's nothing to think about: he's never going to change."
  7. “Why is everyone thinking about forest and peat land while overlooking oceans, the biggest carbon store on the planet?”


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