No Main Topic

  1. Personal note: not having your own computer sucks. Not just for this blogging thing, but for the fact that I must rely on others for news and information when I don't have access. During those times, I can't go to sites I trust and I can't explore the Internet. And even though this is until I buy another laptop, I have a better understanding of other bloggers who talk about life without access.
  2. Sorry for the loss guys; maybe next season come back as the humble Red Sox baseball used to love?
  3. I'm actually surprised it took the insurance companies this long. Then again, they probably didn't think Congress would get this far. UPDATE: Josh smells something fishy.
  4. Another sad story of "Live by the gun..."
  5. Well they do look alike.
  6. Gotta give Schwarzenegger this: the guy hasn't given up on his state.
  7. And at the same time, people where I work are being watched like a hawk.


re, no. 3: Hmmm. Well, if the Insurance companies think it cant be done without price increases, maybe we ought to go back to Plan A and the gove't run health care without a private middle man, like medicare/medicade/VAHospital.
Works for me.

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