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  1. We’re hopeful.”
  2. "People with weaker immune systems who come late for treatment require more complex and costly drugs and services than those who start treatment earlier."
  3. “I try not to think about it. When you’re illegal, you never know. Any time, they could come.’’
  4. "There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team.' But that's ... things are different. I can't say that's a bad thing. It's an opportunity these kids have today. In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys."
  5. "We didn't expect that women would be treated differently here with regard to the high-risk insurance pool. This is inexplicable and wrongheaded to us, and it puts women's lives in jeopardy."
  6. "We've now demonstrated a technology that can enable painless, self-administered flu vaccination. It appears to vaccinate against influenza at least as well and probably better than a traditional hypodermic needle."
  7. "The President will tell the stories of Americans in need of the extension and he will have strong words for Republicans who have previously supported unemployment extensions under Republican Presidents but refuse to offer relief to middle class families today. And he will point out that they are calling for hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans while telling working families that we can't afford to help them when they need it most."


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