Blame Reagan

  1. Scandals? His put Clinton's and Bush's to shame.
  2. Screwed-Up Economy? Started under him, but if your were rich back then you're even wealthier now.
  3. Declining Middle Class? If you believe that having strong unions meant having a strong Middle Class, then yes
  4. The AIDS epidemic? He didn't create it, but he ignored it until it was no longer a "gay person disease."
  5. The War On Terror? In a strange twisted way, Bush was stuck trying to clean up a mess Reagan started. (Bonus points for using the then-revered Osama bin Laden for help). 
  6. The Rise in Gun Violence/Gun-Related Crime? His policies kicked the crazy and mentally unstable people out of the hospitals an onto the street, and made it harder for them (or any potentially new patients) to get back in. Remember how the NRA is on this "it's not the guns we should blame for all of these mass shootings, it's that crazy people who get the guns" shtick? Ever wonder where the crazy people came from

So basically, the Reagan Era turned America into the live-action Gotham City we live in today. Trump 2016, y'all!


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