Jeff Bezos is a Captain Planet Villain Who Wants to Start an Interstellar War


This guy spent money (that could have been used to save the planet) on his self-indulgent trip into outer space for barely 11 minutes, and when he literally came back to earth, he had this to say:

"We live in it [Earth] and it looks so big. If feels like, you know, this atmosphere is huge and we can disregard it and treat it poorly. When you get up there and you see it, you see how tiny it is and how fragile it is. We need to take all heavy industry, all polluting industry, and move it into space, and keep Earth as this beautiful gem of a planet that is is."

Sweet Baby Jesus. On first read, that might sound humble and benevolent. I mean, it's not like the guy owns a company that's a modern-day plantation. But if you were to read that quote again, it sounds like he wants to POLLUTE SPACE in some twisted solution to Climate Change. 


  1. The biggest sources of air pollution range from our modes of transportation to stationary sources that provide people with power/energy to agricultural areas/cities. Polluting isn't an industry; it's a byproduct of our modern lives. Bezos plans to send all of that into space?
  2. The US military is "a world leader in pollution and wasteful use of fossil fuels." Good luck convincing the Pentagon to make and use environmentally-friendly WMDs.

This isn't even considering that this dude honestly believes that earth is the only planet with sentient life. I know it's a science-fiction trope, but if there is life out there it's very possible that humans haven't experienced a "close encounter" because either a) we're not considered a threat or b) we haven't done anything to gain any attention. Spewing toxic waste throughout the galaxy is a sure way to change that. 

At least he's willing to take "small steps" to reach the goal of infuriating the Klingons or the Kree Empire. But in true maniacal sociopathic form, he's more than willing to charge $300,00.00 a seat for the rich man's roller coaster.  


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