Let's See If Buffalo, NY Will Accept a Left-Leaning Mayor

 So after winning the Democratic Primary for mayor of Buffalo New York, DSA-backed India Walton is working on her platform and focusing on the issues facing the city. She can do this because she's currently the only name on the general election ballot, making Democratic Primary the "real race."

Sadly for her (and Buffalo) incumbent Democrat and current mayor Byron Brown can't accept losing, and has decided to create his own party fight to get his name on the ballot, despite the deadline being May 25th (of 2021)

I wouldn't put it past some loyalist with connections helping Brown out, but keep in mind that this guy was so serious about keeping his job he announced his reelection bid on Facebook, refused to debate, campaigned mainly through lawn signs, and got less half the signatures needed and spent about 20% less money than he did for his 2017 bid. Which is to say that Brown thought that this would be a cakewalk until he lost. 

People can still write him in, so nothing's off limits.


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